
Some publications and links to papers about Acoctia...

  • Cristobal Gonzalez Diaz, Pedro Cobo, Francisco Montero de Espinosa "Thoroughly research of airframes to decrease noise pollution from aircrafts.". 2017 MCAA Conference and Genearl Assembly, Salamanca, Spain. 24-25 March 2017. [Full text]

  • Santiago Ortiz, Leo Gonzalez, Cristobal Gonzalez Diaz, Peter Svensson and Pedro Cobo, "Acoustic resonances in a 3D open cavity with non-parallel walls". Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 363 (2016), pp. 181-198, [Full text]

  • Cristobal González Díaz and Pedro Cobo "Acoustic resonance frequencies of an open cavity with non-­symmetric and non-­parallel walls", presented at the 22nd International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV22), Florence, Italy. 12-16 July 2015. [Full text].

  • Cristobal González Díaz, Santiago Ortiz, Pedro Cobo and Francisco Montero de Espinosa "Atenuación de los tonos acústicos de una cavidad abierta recubriendo sus paredes con paneles microperforados", presented at IX Congreso Iberoamericano de Acústica – FIA2014. Valdivia, Chile. 1-3 December 2014. [Full text].

  • Cristobal González Díaz, Santiago Ortiz and Pedro Cobo. "Attenuation of acoustic resonances in an inclined open cavity using Micro Perforated Panels", presented at 43rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering Internoise 2014. Melbourne, Australia. 16-19 November 2014. [Full text]

  • Santiago Ortiz, Cristobal González Díaz, Pedro Cobo and Francisco Montero de Espinosa. "Attenuating open cavity tones by lining its walls with microperforated panels". Noise Control Engr. J. 62 (3), May-June 2014. [Full text]

  • Cristobal González Díaz, Santiago Ortiz, Pedro Cobo and Francisco Montero de Espinosa. "Attenuation of acoustic resonances in an open cavity using Micro Perforated Panels (MPP)". Marie Skłodowska-Curie Conference: ESOF 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark on 19-20 June 2014. [Full text].

  • Santiago Ortiz, Cristobal González Díaz and Pedro Cobo, "Acoustic field in a cubic open cavity lined with MPPs" Environmental Acoustics Group, ITEFI, CSIC, Spain. Technical Report. January 2014. [Full text].

Relevant Publications

  • Ortiz, Santiago and Kolbrek, Bjørn and Cobo, Pedro and González, Leo M. and Colina, Carlos de la, "Point Source Loudspeaker Design: Advances on the Inverse Horn Approach"; J. Audio Eng. Soc Volume 62 Issue 5 pp. 345-354; May 2014. [Full text].

  • Pedro Cobo, Santiago Ortiz, David Ibarra, Carlos de la Colina, "Point source equalised by inverse filtering for measuring ground impedance", Applied Acoustics, Volume 74, Issue 4, April 2013, Pages 561-565. [Full text].

  • Pedro Cobo, Francisco Montero de Espinosa, "Proposal of cheap microperforated panel absorbers manufactured by infiltration" , Applied Acoustics, Volume 74, Issue 9, September 2013, Pages 1069-1075. [Full text].

  • Ortiz, S., Le Plenier, C., Cobo, P., “Efficient modelling and experimental validation of acoustic resonances in three-dimensional rectangular open cavities”, Appl. Acoust., 74 (2013) 949-957. [Full text]

  • Santiago Ortiz, Pedro Cobo, Leo gonzalez, Daniel Rodriguez and Vassilios Theofilis, "Acoustic resonances in a 3D open cavity: comparison of experimental and numerical results", American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME 2012), Noise Control and Acoustics Division Conference at InterNoise 2012. New York City, USA, 19-22 August, 2012. [Full text]
ACOCTIA - Intra European Fellowships (IEF) project funded under the FP7 Marie Curie programme of the European Commission.